All images in this series were shot during my favorite time of day, Between Daylight and Darkness… The Blue Hour. There is something inherently interesting about this moment to me, both in the quality of the light and its place in the story of the day. Work is over, kids are home, people aren’t out for the evening yet.

There’s a collective exhale. It’s peaceful. Fog wrapped Neon and fluorescents, dancing with the last embers of daylight. 

After having spent a lot of time taking photographs in one particular neighborhood south of San Francisco, I decided I also wanted to make a film there. I kicked around a few ideas and ultimately came up with a concept for a music video. My collaborator Derick Daly and I pitched it to DJ Shadow and he loved it. ‘The Prophecy’ was born.

‘Between Daylight and Darkness’ evolved into an exhibition, which opened at The Great Highway Gallery in San Francisco in the winter of 2023.

The show subsequently moved to WARM in Marin County and next, will be opening at The Image Flow in 2025.

The show has been featured in the Photoworks Analog magazine as well as Marin Living. There is a zine available for purchase.


Hermanos Gutiérrez + RyX

